As the basis of ISKCON as an institution is spreading 'Krishna Consciousness' across the world, and that is done via the teachings, purports, books and writings of Sirla Prabhupada, who in the true spirit of Guru Succession passed this transcendental knowledge of 'Krsna' in the digestable form set by the Gaudia-Vaisnava heirarchy, thereby protecting us from the vast number of mental speculators who try to project 'Krsna-Katha', 'Bhagavad Gita' & Other Vedic-Spiritual Literature to suit their own needs.
This combination of True Knowledge, Desire, Resourcefulness, Man-Management, Organisation Skills and Adaptation filled with practicality is difficult to find in a single personality, not just within the realms of ISKCON but also in the other Spiritual / Business Organisations.
When you couple all the above with Pioneer Spirit (spreading Krsna-Consciousness in West & Rest of the World) along with the Start-Up Mentality / Initiative, one gets a very unique combination, which is irreplaceable.
The future generations of Gurus & Acaryas in ISKCON can only take his legacy forward fulfilling his and his spiritual masters' desire / goal of spreading 'Krsna-Consciousness' across every nook and corner of this world.
Theme 2: Effect of Sirla Prabhupada in your Life:
a) By establishing the global network of Hare-Krsna Temples, which serves as a platform for devotees to come together and 'Associate' in practicing 'Krsna-Consciousness' and 'Enlightening One-Another' thereby progressing in one's own Spiritual Life and getting closer to Krsna.
b) By setting up Courses like 'Bhakti-Shastri' and 'Bhakti-Vaibhav', helping in systematic study of this 'Spiritual-Science'. This knowledge and the friendships/association attained during this process is very Joyful.
c) By facilitating my understanding to put 'Krsna' as the Centre of all my Activities.
Pradeep Kabra
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